Friday, November 4, 2011

The List You Need In Your Life

By Craig Ballantyne

In the spring of 1999, when I was halfway through my Master's degree, I started sending out my resume in an attempt to land my dream job. At that time in my life, it meant writing to the General Manager of every single team in the National Hockey League (NHL) because my number one career goal was to become an NHL Strength and Conditioning Coach.
I scoured the Internet for their mailing addresses, made a list of the GM's I had contacted, and sent out twenty-eight resumes along with a follow-up letter four weeks later. Months went by and, miraculously, some of the GM's even replied. Each time they did I would mark off the communication in a spreadsheet. That was my first experience with building a contact list and while I never did get a shot at working in the big leagues, I discovered the value of having this simple little networking tool.
This is the list you need in your life. It's almost as important as your to-do list. In fact, we'll call it your, "To contact list", and you're going to discover how to build and nurture it by giving value to the people on this list.
The premise of the list is simple. You'll identify the people you want to contact and you'll do so methodically and relentlessly. Keep track of when you last contacted them and identify areas where you can help them. This short set of networking rules has served me well as I've built my online business.
After deciding to focus my ambition on a web-based health and fitness business, I began contacting other experts in my industry. They had great information to share and I had built up a small, but passionate list of online readers. It was the perfect match. I could help these experts by providing them a forum to new readers and potential clients, and the experts would be able to help me by providing content. Voila. We built a working relationship based on adding value to each other.
At the time I had no idea this act of networking would turn out to be a huge component of my online success. I just had a natural inclination to contact and connect with as many experts in my industry as possible. There might even have been a genetic component to it, as my father was fond of making several phone calls to other farmers everyday at lunchtime. He did his power networking by phone, and I've gone on to do mine by email. Perhaps my kids will do theirs by text, and my grandchildren by hologram. Who knows what the future will bring to the Ballantyne Networking system?
What I do know is that the email interview connection process had two big impacts in my business. First, a relationship was built with the 'movers and shakers' of my industry. These experts now knew me, liked me, and trusted me, and therefore were willing to recommend my email newsletter to their readers. As a result, my email list grew and more readers began contacting me for workouts.
Second, by being associated with these other experts, some of their credibility rubbed off on me. My readers now elevated my status in their opinion because I knew all these other great experts. This increased the level of trust that my readers had in my work and therefore became more likely to purchase my products.
All the time I was doing this I began building up an epic contact spreadsheet. In one column was the expert's name, in a second column was the date they were last contacted, and in a third column was information I wanted to share with them. This third column is important and featured content that would add value to the expert. It wasn't about helping me. It was about helping them.
Read those three steps again. Step three contains a big lesson because today most experts almost exclusively receive requests for help, such as an appeal to promote a product they aren't familiar with. Rarely does an expert receive any offers of help, and so when you contact someone with information that adds value to their life without trying to extract value, your communication will be appreciated and it is much easier to build a relationship.
Start building your contact list today. Write the names of all the important people in your life in one column. In the second column, note the last time you contacted them. And in that third column, build a list of tips and information that will add value to their lives. Try not to let a month go by without adding value to the people who are important in your life and business. Of course, if you find something time-sensitive that can help someone immediately, then contact that person as soon as you can.
In fact, by using this system, you can double your income. That's what happened for Vince Palko, copywriter and ad toon artist, when he implemented a similar system. At one point, Vince was struggling to get business, but after reading Brian Tracy's book called "Goals", he came across this simple piece of advice, "If you want to double your income, then double the amount of people that you're either on the phone with or in front of every day."
Vince realized he had only been contacting one person each day, so he immediately doubled his efforts. He also started tracking his contacts by printing out the calendar on his computer and writing down everything he did. If he called a prospect named Joe that day, he would write that down. Vince also added a unique third step to his system where he rewarded himself for implementation. It's something so simple you might even want to dismiss it. But I warn you not to. It could be the missing step in your networking plan.
What Vince did was put a little sticker beside every contact that led to a business deal. As he continued his increased networking, he noticed that more and more stickers started getting added to his calendar. As Vince said, "There was something magical about these stickers. It was a great way to track my progress. At the end of the month I could look back and see where I had success and it was a great momentum builder and motivation to keep going."
That's the power of keeping track of your contact list and connecting action with accomplishment.
This system also works for connecting with people you don't know. Simply make a list of the people you want to meet, identify something of value that you can add to their lives, and then find out how to contact them. Don't be afraid of using this thing called "regular mail" or even Fed-Ex. Sometimes that's the only to breakthrough and contact people who don't know you yet. But always remember to provide value. The best way to start a relationship with someone is by showing up with a helping hand, not looking for a hand out.
My little spreadsheet has served me well over time. Of course, I can only imagine there's an 'app' for this today, but I'll stick to my million dollar excel Rolodex. No matter how you keep your list, I guarantee that if you start this habit today and add value to the people in your network, this will get you on the fast track to living the life of your dreams.

To get something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to Get the Money to Come To You

Whenever I hear and read about the Occupy Wall Street protests, I think, "Just imagine what those people could accomplish if they put the same amount of energy into creating value for the world as they do into these protests."
Now that would be something newsworthy.
After all, that's how small businesses make money – by creating something of value that solves people's problems. That's the biggest virtue of entrepreneurship – creating value.
Today, Joe Polish will explain why money flows to those who create value, and he'll walk you through a series of steps that will help you act in a way so that money starts flowing to you.
Craig Ballantyne
"Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value." – Albert Einstein

Why The Money Will Come Once You Create Value

By Joe Polish
You're about to discover one of the best 'obvious secrets' I've ever learned about 'Getting Money' and 'Creating Value'. When my good friend Dan Sullivan, the founder of Strategic Coach, first shared it with me, it really hit me like a ton of bricks.
What Dan shared with me is this...
"All Money Earned Ethically Is A Byproduct Of Value Creation"
Now, there's 'real' value in the world, and there's 'perceived' value. And the important point about this is the following: To the consumer, whatever their perception of value is, that is their reality.
Let me repeat: To the consumer, whatever their perception of value is, that is their reality.
One of the biggest mistakes people make is that they think they are valuable, but they don't communicate that value. If you don't communicate that value through the use of effective and compelling direct response marketing here's what will happen: You'll think that what you have is valuable, but your prospects, or customers, or clients, or patients will not know the value, or understand the value, or interpret the value you're offering them.
Here's the point:
Money will only come to you once you create value – not just in the creation of your products or services – but also in the creation of powerful and effective communications.
You see there are three things you need in order to sell something...
1. You need a product or service, and that product or service needs to deliver everything (and more!) than what you say it will or promise it will. That's just a given. You can't have a long-term relationship by selling crappy products and services.
Now, let's assume that the product or service you're selling and providing is valuable and it's everything you say it is. That's only step one.
2. The second thing you need is a sales pitch or a marketing message. This is a huge focus on, and this is where you really need to communicate value. This is not just offering value that you think in the form of a product and service that is valuable, but actually creating value by entering a conversation that's already existing in your prospect's mind. (This was famously stated in 1937 by Robert Collier in one of the best classic marketing books available: 'The Robert Collier Letter Book'.)
Now, assuming you have a marketing method or a sales pitch, that's step two.
3. The third thing you need is a delivery system. Think of all the different ways you can deliver a message: Social media, offline advertising, blogging, online advertising, television, radio...and many more. And think of all the 'old-school' forms you can use to deliver a message: Direct mail, postcards, pre-recorded messages... and many more. That's the way to deliver it.
Now that you know the three things you need in order to sell something, ask yourself this:
1. How can I create (or re-purpose) my product or service so that it OVER delivers on what I promise?
2. How can I craft a marketing message that enters the conversation already existing in the prospects mind? How can I create valuable communications?
(HINT: Understanding your prospects' motivations is one of the first steps to creating compelling communications that cause people to want to buy your products and services.)
3. What delivery systems should I use to reach my prospects and customers most effectively?
(HINT: The more media you can use to reach your prospects and customers, the better. Some people get concerned about the cost of using more delivery systems. But remember: If you make more money on the backend, you can afford to spend more to acquire a customer than your competitors can. PLUS, you can use pre-recorded messages, postcards, direct mail, and many more delivery systems to deliver more value – and thus get more sales – from EXISTING customers. So don't just think of a delivery system as something used for new customers and prospects. They can, and should, be used to deliver value to your current clients as well.)
So, in order to have money flow to you, you need to create value. If you spend enough time focusing on not only delivering great products and services, but more importantly, communicating the value of those products or services, and you start getting them in the hands of other people... then something kicks in where people start referring you and telling other people about you. Money will come once you create value.
Remember what Walt Disney said...
"Do What You Do So Well That They Will Want To See It Again And Bring Their Friends."
Money comes when you create value. And the more value you create in the world, the more money you can make. Be a value creator.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How to Have More Daily Wealth

By Steve Sjuggerud
Greetings from the Oregon coast where I’m living my dream.
I’m living well. The great thing is, “living well” by my definition doesn’t cost much money at all. That’s because my definition of living well isn’t about, well, “stuff.” Let me explain…
Yesterday, I windsurfed perfect head-high waves alongside 2004 World Champion Scott McKercher. The day before, I went surfing with champion paddle surfer Ekolu Kalama and his wife. No crowd, just us. For comparison, if you’re a golfer, it’s like hanging out with Tiger Woods for the day, just the two of you.
I feel fortunate to be here with these guys… and it reminds me of what’s important in life:
It’s about EXPERIENCE, not STUFF.
My wife and I try to live this idea – that “experience” is more important than “stuff.”
For example, our kids (ages seven and five) are probably the only kids they know that don’t have a PlayStation or an Xbox or a Nintendo Wii. They don’t have a ton of stuff. But they’ve got tons of life experience…
Our kids have seen the world… They’ve been as far north as Iceland. And they’ve been as far south as New Zealand. Yet we don’t have big flat-screen TVs in our living room or den. (Are we the last Americans to actually have regular TVs?)
The great thing is, life experiences don’t have to cost much at all. Waves are free. Wind is free. Spending time with your friends and family is free.
Before I came out to Oregon, we spent time with my family in Orlando. Over the weekend, the kids shot waterguns at their granddad in the pool, and my mom fixed unbeatable home-cooked breakfasts. Everyone had a great time. It was a great family experience. And it sure didn’t cost much. It’s not what it costs that makes it valuable.
It wasn’t about buying “stuff.” And this trip to the Oregon coast isn't about “stuff” either.
I define living well as
1) having time with friends and family,
2) pursuing my passions, and
3) well, not worrying about money.
The nice thing is that you don’t need a fortune to live well by that definition.
Living well to me isn’t about monster flat-screen TVs, driving a BMW, or wearing diamond-encrusted watches. How about you?
You only have so much money… so what do you put a premium on?
It’s so easy in America to be sucked into “stuff” – from the pressure to “keep up with the Joneses” to the constant barrage of advertising from every angle.
But you can’t take stuff with you. I’ve heard investor Doug Casey say, “I've never seen a hearse with luggage racks.” And if stuff is what you choose, just remember, you’ll be busy working for the rest of your life to pay for your stuff.
If you follow my definition of living well, then the goal becomes living life to the fullest instead of buying stuff… and saving instead of buying so you don’t have to worry about money.
People want to invest successfully so they don’t have to worry about money. If you change your definition of living well, then you can get to the point of not worrying about money a lot faster.
Again, my idea of living well is:
1) Having time with friends and family.
2) Pursuing my passions (which I’m doing on the Oregon coast now).
3) Not having to worry about money.
What’s your idea of living well? Is it about the experience, or the stuff?

5 Ways to Buy Happiness

Ah, the elusive pursuit of happiness. According to an article in the July 2011 issue of Entrepreneur magazine, researchers believe 40% of happiness is genetic, 40% is derived from things we choose to do, and the remainder results from circumstances in our lives – such as our age, gender, and yes, our wealth.
Wealth may make you happy. It may make you unhappy. But more importantly, a second group of researchers suggest it’s how you spend your wealth that will really influence how happy you are. Here are their 5 principles for increasing your happiness through monetary means.
1) Buy more experiences and fewer things
Earlier this summer I was in Vienna, Austria, spending a few hours window-shopping in an outdoor promenade. The setting was idyllic, cobblestone streets lined by old churches and beautiful concert halls.
In one window I came across a fancy watch with a relatively substantial price tag. For the next 36 hours I thought about buying the watch, but ultimately decided to pass, because I knew my buyer’s remorse would outweigh any pleasure the watch would give me.
Days later I knew I made the right decision.
What really mattered to me was simply BEING in Vienna and enjoying the city, having breakfast outside at a cafĂ© watching the tourists – and beautiful European girls – go by. The trip itself brought me the lifelong memory while my interest in that watch has rapidly faded with time.
2) Use your money to help others.
My charity of choice, if you can call it that, is Kiva allows me to loan money to entrepreneurs all over the world. The loan is paid back over time and then I re-loan the money to another entrepreneur. This gives me a great deal of satisfaction. May your charity of choice do the same for you.
3) Buy many small pleasures instead of a handful of large ones.
I once dated a beautiful girl and often bought her clothes and jewelry. One day, as a surprise, I bought her a simple $10 hairband. Out of all of the gifts I ever gave her, nothing made her happier than this small item. It’s the small things in life that matter. I’m willing to bet you can make your someone special very happy for $10 or less tonight.
4) Pay now but consume later.
According to JD Roth, the author of the original article in Entrepreneur magazine, in addition to helping you stay out of debt, this method makes us happier because it builds anticipation (which the researchers say is pleasurable in and of itself). We also tend to make smarter choices when we pay now and consume later.
5) Beware of comparison shopping.
One of the reasons I didn’t buy that watch in Vienna was the sheer number of other watches in the same window and among all of the other jewelry store windows on that street. I knew that after I bought the watch I’d find another that I liked even more. The solution to avoiding this comparison shopping syndrome is simple. “Find a good option, go with it and don’t look back,” says Roth.
Today we’re publishing a time-tested article (written in 2008) from Steve Sjuggerud on how to have more daily wealth. This isn’t about investing or stock-picking, but rather about the small things we can value immediately that give us greater daily wealth, gratitude, happiness, or whatever you would like to call it.
Craig Ballantyne
“Cherish time, your most valuable resource. You can never make up the time you lose. It’s the most important value for any productive happy individual and is the only limitation to all accomplishment. To waste time is to waste your life. The most important choices you’ll ever make are how you use your time.”

The Entrepreneur and the American Dream

By Robert Ringer
With the word entrepreneur becoming increasingly popular with media pundits on both the right and the left, more and more people are coming to realize that entrepreneurship was the driving force behind America's widespread prosperity – prosperity that few Americans could have imagined as recent as the mid-20th century.
Entrepreneurship, in fact, embodies the spirit of the American Dream. After all, many of the Founding Fathers were entrepreneurs, and perhaps the two most famous in that regard are George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. They also are good examples of just how far apart the results of individual entrepreneurs can be. Though they were both farmers, Washington was one of the richest men in America, while Jefferson struggled financially throughout his life and died broke.
Jefferson's financial difficulties are a reminder that there are no guarantees for the entrepreneur, who labors away without the luxury of a safety net. In fact, perhaps the single greatest attribute of an entrepreneur is his willingness to take risks – including the risk of losing everything if he fails. By everything, I'm not just referring to savings, stocks, bonds, and collectibles. I'm talking about his house, his furniture, his cars – everything he owns – not to mention his credit and his self-esteem.
In this vein, Barbara Walters did an excellent special last week on self-made billionaires. The slant of the show belied the rhetoric of politicians who pander to voters by implying that being rich, of and by itself, is evil. They would have people believe that rich people somehow prevent others from getting ahead financially. The truth, of course, is that most wealthy people achieved their success by creating products and services that others want.
Barbara Walters' first guest was Guy Laliberte, founder of Cirque du Soleil. Laliberte, who has a net worth of $2.5 billion, struggled early in his career as a street performer in Montreal before venturing out as an entrepreneur. Today, his multibillion-dollar business showcases in 271 cities worldwide, employing tens of thousands of people in the process.
When Walters asked Laliberte if he still takes risks, he quickly responded, "Every day." Wall Street Journal Wealth Reporter Robert Frank, who added his insights throughout the show, then explained, "Part of the risk-taking personality is the ability to overcome failure. ...One of the things that makes billionaires successful is their reaction to failure."
Unfortunately, those who spew out class-warfare rhetoric are clueless about the risks the entrepreneur takes in his quest to achieve the American Dream. Or about the self-evident principle: The greater the risk, the greater the potential reward.
As a result, politicians have a stubborn habit of stepping in and trying to curb the natural rewards of the marketplace, insisting that "it's unfair" for the super rich to make so much more than the average working person. That's right, no other explanation other than "it's unfair."
It goes without saying that from a moral point of view, their position is indefensible. If people are truly free, they should be free to become as wealthy as their talent, creativity, and hard work can take them, so long as they do not use force or fraud against anyone else. The American Dream is about opportunity, not guarantees.
And from an economic viewpoint, it's a no-brainer. Contrary to what some politicians would like us to believe, it's impossible for anyone to become rich without creating jobs. Wealthy folks start and expand businesses and, in the process, employ others – not just by hiring people, but through the jobs that are created indirectly by those who furnish the raw materials, parts, transportation, etc. that their businesses require.
But what about someone who spends hundreds of millions of dollars indulging himself in such luxuries as mansions, private jets, and yachts? It doesn't take a Ludwig von Mises to explain that workers are needed to build those mansions, private jets, and yachts, not to mention to produce the materials and thousands of parts and accessories that go into them. Then, once built, it takes people to operate and service those mansions, private jets, and yachts – which means long-term employment.
Thus, economic reality makes it clear that the entrepreneur is not the villain some politicians make him out to be. On the contrary, he is a bona fide hero who creates jobs and wealth for everyone who is willing to work, thus giving others a leg up in achieving the American Dream.
As such, entrepreneurs who accumulate great fortunes should be admired rather than scorned. To vilify someone for having "too much" is the height of asininity and self-destructiveness. The American Dream is not about envy; it's about getting what you want in life by creating products and services that are valued in the free market.
The single most important fact about entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates and the recently deceased Steve Jobs is that their great wealth not only does not prevent others from becoming successful, it actually gives their customers the tools to become wealthy themselves. Think computers, hand-held electronic devices, and cell phones, to name but a few of the more obvious of such tools, all of which are easily available to even the most financially challenged among us.
The optimistic side of me wants to believe that truth may be on a roll here. If so, it needs all the help it can get. As angry redistribution-of-wealth advocates preach about lame abstracts such as social justice and fairness, those of us who know the truth about the American Dream need to spread the word.
We need to explain to all who will listen that the individual who aspires to great wealth by creating products and services people want is not the cause of America's problems, but, rather, the solution to its problems.
When an individual focuses on hard work, resourcefulness, and wealth creation – and is willing to take risks – it puts him in a position to achieve the same American Dream that millions of wealthy people have experienced through their own efforts.

The Power of the Irresistible Offer

By Joe Polish
Two of the most important elements in marketing are the OFFER and the LIST.
Now, assuming you have a great LIST of people that have identified themselves as wanting something, or that are interested in a particular subject matter, then you need a way to give them what they want.
So, what’s the mechanism or means that gives people what they want? An irresistible offer.
But the question is: How do you create and set up an irresistible offer that delivers to the other person something they already want (and preferably something they’ve been looking for)? How do you deliver a solution to a problem someone has that you can solve with your product or service (even if the other person is unaware that you can solve it)?
Well, the simple way you do it is by setting up the irresistible offer in a way that makes it easy to get the solution you have into their hands and compels them to want to BUY IT.
One thing you need to remember is this: The number one question in a consumer’s minds is, “WHO can I trust?”
That’s the question everybody has. You have it. I have it. Everyone has it. For example, I’m not going to eat a restaurant if I think that eating there is going to give me food poisoning! So, if you have a product or service that will truly help people, then what you need to do is remove the fear and then the other person will buy.
The job of the marketer is to establish trust and rapport, and simultaneously make the other person feel comfortable doing business with you. And one of the best ways to do this while eliminating virtually all the risk is through a powerful and irresistible offer!
Let me give you an example: When I was a dead broke carpet cleaner, I had to think of all the things that people didn’t know that they did not know about choosing a carpet cleaner. How did I do this?
I used education-based marketing to educate them on why they should do business with me and to get them off the issue of price. I would use headlines like, “The Most Thorough Cleaning Ever Or It’s Free.” I would offer a free room of carpet cleaning up to 200 square feet without any cost or obligation of any kind. I would also provide them with a free carpet audit, where I would go into their home and evaluate the condition of their carpets.
Now, to this day, 20 years later, since I came up with that offer, it’s still the most powerful way for a carpet cleaner to sell a service that, frankly, nobody wants to buy. And the reason is that we offer to give people a demonstration so that they can try it for free, and then we give them an education on evaluating the condition of their carpet. It’s an example of an irresistible offer.
So that would be an example of making an irresistible offer that gives people something valuable AND educates them about how your product or service solves their problem. And this works for ANYTHING from carpet cleaning to the human brain!
One more important point: You can make your offers even more irresistible by adding a GUARANTEE. In addition to giving the other person a sample or letting them try your product or service, you can say, “and if you decide to hire us (or use our product), we even back it up with a 100% money back guarantee. There’s no risk or obligation of any kind and if you’re not totally satisfied, you get 100% of your money back.”
So here’s what you should do now:
Get out a yellow pad (or a piece of paper, or a word document) and think of whatever business you’re in, and try to come up with an offer where you can eliminate 100% of the risk, let them try your services as best you can, and educate them along the way.
Ask yourself:
1. How can I eliminate 100% of the risk?
2. How can I let the other person try my product or service?
3. How can I educate the other person along the way?
Remember: The best offer is an irresistible offer and one that’s totally risk free and educates the other person so that they can make an intelligent, informed decision.
If people can feel like they are confident in making an intelligent, informed decision AND you offer a 100% no risk guarantee. That is even more powerful. And then when you can back all of this up by identifying and showcasing people just like them through the use of testimonials or case studies that have used your product or service, that is one of the closest ways you are ever going to get to making an irresistible offer.

A Silver Lining in the Great Recession

By Jason Holland
In the current economic crisis, there is a business that is booming. In fact, there has never been a better time to get in on this opportunity.
Due to demand, there are plenty of customers to go around - and there will be for years to come. And the Internet makes it easy to run this business on your schedule and from anywhere in the world.
Think of all the people looking for jobs. What if you could help them land their dream job... and get paid to do it? I'm talking $1,000 to $3,000 per week for just part-time work.
The unemployed are looking for an edge. They're increasingly turning to consultants to help them craft resumes that will help them stand out from the crowd.
You could offer this resume consulting service to this huge, hungry market. It's a great way to make a side income while you're working on your online Carefree Business. Or if you like it, you could make it your primary business - the income potential is there.
No previous experience in human resources is necessary. And you don't have to already know how to write a great resume. It's a science. You just need proven outlines and strategies for what details you should include on a resume to make them irresistible to employers. And you can run this business completely online (and maybe a few phone calls), from marketing your services to consulting with clients.

The market is huge for resumes. There are 14 million unemployed Americans right now.
Everyone from college kids looking for their first job to executives laid off due to budget cuts needs help. And there are also the underemployed and those who just plain want a new job. Says Julien Sharp, who got her start as a freelance resume consultant after years in the corporate world:
"Many realize their current careers are not going to grow, so they decide to start a completely new career. They need a resume that reflects how their past experience can support the new type of job they are seeking."
Even in the best of economic times, there are 50 million Americans out there looking for another job with higher pay. So there is always a high demand for this service.
What makes it work is that most job hunters would prefer not to write their own resumes - 79 percent, according to a recent survey. They feel more confident when a pro does it for them.
"Ninety-nine percent of people out of work for the first time in years do not have a current resume," says Julien.
Many of Julien's clients realize a bad resume has been holding them back. And they don't know how to fix it.
"Tom" is a recent client of Julien's. As a financial analyst who had been steadily climbing up to the executive level in his company, he was laid off shortly after the economy started crumbling. Like so many people today, he had trouble finding work. And with four kids (from 5 years old to 16) to support, he was getting majorly stressed.
Turns out, Tom had everything he needed to get a great new job, except for one vital component.
Sure, he had plenty of experience and expertise. But prospective employers couldn't see that because his resume was done so poorly.
Julien sees this type of thing all the time. And it's a major part of her business. She calls helping clients whose resumes aren't getting them interviews her "sweet spot."
It boils down to one thing, says Julien: unsuccessful resumes just show what the candidate did in past positions ...but they don't show how well they did them. Julien made that simple change for Tom after she took him on as a client. And within hours of posting the revised version to, he had received eight calls and three emails from employers. Eleven days later, the client had received a job offer.
To rewrite this resume, Julien was able to charge $225 an hour.
You can charge upwards of $150 an hour for quick resume tweaks - something you can do right after you start offering this service. Tackle total resume overhauls, writing resumes from scratch, putting together cover letters... and you could multiply that amount by three or four times. With extra services, like interview coaching and helping people get their resume in front of the right eyes with promotional pieces, you can charge even more.
The more experienced your client, says a long-time corporate manager, the more you can charge. Their resumes will be more in-depth and filled with their experience.
Charles Bryant is one of Julien's fellow freelance resume writers. Before he got into the business, he had no experience at all in resume writing. But he quickly picked up the simple techniques and strategies that anybody can use to craft quality resumes - the same techniques Julien knows.
These days, he makes between $500 - $3,000 writing resumes. And he maintains that anybody can learn what he does and have similar success.
As I said, no previous experience is necessary. You just have to learn how to ask your client the right questions to make sure the right details make it into the resume. Armed with a proven client questionnaire - this is Julien's "secret weapon" - for getting the most important information, and you can craft a great resume that will get your clients interviews and jobs.
You can make great money in the resume business - up to $150,000 per year - and help people find jobs and get back on their feet at the same time.